
2021年03月26日 17时 航运界

3月26日12:30时,环世物流集团国际运营中心总经理许中华接受中央电视台国际英文频道《Global Watch》(环球瞭望)栏目直播采访,此次采访的重点是解读苏伊士运河堵塞对中国航运和物流业所带来的影响以及应对之策。


央视记者:请告诉我们, 您作为全球航运的专业人士,对整个行业是否已经对这类黑天鹅事件的连锁反应做好了准备,有何看法?

Mr. Xu, You are an expert in global marineshipping. Tell us if the industry is ready for this kind of black swan impact?




It is indisputable thatSuez Canal is one of the world's busiest shipping channels for oil and refinedfuels, grain and other trade, linking Asia and Europe. Up to this earlymorning, 259 vessels were queued up, up from 186 Wednesday. It includes 148south-bound ships and 111 north-bound ships.

It's going to be tough to come upwith a single figure for how much the epic traffic jam in the canal is costing,but shipping rates are already skyrocketing. The cost to ship a 40-footcontainer from China to Europe has climbed to about US$8,000, almost quadruplethe figure a year ago. Suezmax vessels, which typically carry 1 million barrelsof oil, are now getting about US$17,000 a day, the most since June 2020.

If the stranded ship cannot beremoved in a short time, other ships will have to go around the Cape of Hope.For the ships that have been blocked in the Suez Canal, the north-bound vesselsneed to sail 8200 nautical miles more, and about 20 days more according to thedifferent ship types of speed; and if the ship not yet reaches the Suez Canal,it will also need to detour for at least 8-10 days. This will further increasethe tension in the supply of capacity and push up the rent of each ship type.


Who will pay for this accident?




Fromthe perspective of ship types, the blockage of the canal has more impact on theoil tanker and container ship market, but less impact on the bulk cargo marketwith grain, coal, fertilizer, steel and oil as the main cargo. As the maintransport mode of cross-border e-commerce, container shipping has also beenimpacted and challenged.

Inrecent years, the continuous rise of Cross-border E-commerce has posed morechallenges to international logistics. Especially after the outbreak of theepidemic last year, the business model of international e-commerce logisticshas also changed greatly.

Beforewe use the direct mail mode of express and parcel delivery after orders fromoverseas customers. From three years ago, we start to set up overseas warehousesin the European Countries. Before we got the orders from the customer, the E-Commerceplatform will ship all these goods to the overseas warehouses, and then sentdirectly from the warehouses to European customers against their orders online.Therefore, we have accumulated a lot of inventory in the warehouses of manyEuropean countries, so that we can continue to deliver goods to customers, tominimize the negative impact of this incident.